Kubelwagen Replica body
This body sold locally. Give me a call if you are interested in a Kubel Replica build.
I am selling a Kubelwagen Replica body build by Kubelkraft in Albuquerque NM . It comes on a rolling untitled chassis if needed. Ready for your chassi, comes with modified steering shaft, seat, and all upholstery. Has a new wiring harness, wiper, horn, turn signals, and lights, wood floor boards and Kubel exhaust for your motor. Street legal when finished. I have made over 100 Kubel Replicas to date and this body is one of the nicest. The price is plus shipping cost or you can come pick it up. I can repaint it for $500 more ..Give me a call and we can talk Kubels.
Thanks Steven Bishop505-999-7403
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